Dental Appreciation Dinner- Featuring Dino Watt
We are excited to announce this years Dental Appreciation Dinner-We Rise Together, featuring Dino Watt, on October 5th 2023 at 5:30 pm at the Bengal Alumni Center here in Pocatello. If you and your office are planning to go, please RSVP by filling out the form and purchase tickets using the link below. Earn Education Credits.
Buffett dinner starting at 6:00 | Presentation starting at 7:00
ICCU Bengal Alumni Center- 1601 E. Bonneville, Pocatello, ID 83201
Dino Watt is one of the most exciting international business trainers and the author of the #1 Best-Selling books, The Practice Rx, Hire and Fire Like a Boss and Mastering Virtual Consults. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News and TEDx. As a high-performance practice advisor, Dino has frequently been referred to as “the Tony Robbins of private practices”. His goal is to help business leaders and teams create more passion in their life, be more productive in the office and create more profit in all areas of their life.
How to Be the Ideal Team Player…and Avoid Becoming a “Staff” Infection!
Michael Jordan said, “Great players win games, but great teams win championships”. Unfortunately, sometimes “staff” infections can creep into the office and cause drama, spread gossip, or their bad attitudes to others. Even good team members can be infected by seemingly mild personality annoyances. So, what does it take to guard your team against this office pandemic and make sure everyone is an ideal team player? There is a formula you can follow to do just that.